Children's Developmental Services Agency (CDSA)
The Children’s Developmental Services Agency is the local agency for Early Intervention in our community and is part of the statewide NC Infant-Toddler Program.
The Children’s Developmental Services Agency is the local agency for Early Intervention in our community and is part of the statewide NC Infant-Toddler Program. The CDSA supports families who have children from birth to age three who have developmental delays or who are at risk for problems with their development. Case management and therapy services are provided in the community (family homes, childcare) and focus on natural learning opportunities within child and family routines and activities.
What We Offer
Children's Developmental Services is dedicated to the development of infants and toddlers with special needs, and their families. We offer services to enhance your child’s potential for growth and development. These services include:
- Evaluations and Assessments
- Audiological services
- Service coordination
- Special instruction
- Physical, occupational and speech-language therapies
- Assistive technology
No family is denied services because of inability to pay.
Evaluations, assessments and service coordination are provided at no charge to families.
- Other services are provided on a sliding fee scale
- Medicaid is billed for services
- Other insurance is billed with your permission

A child and family may receive supports and services if the child:
- is less than 3 years old, and
- has a developmental delay or established condition per NC ITF Eligibility Policy.
What is Developmental Delay?
A child with developmental delay is not developing like others his or her age.
The delay can be in one or more of the following areas:
- thinking and learning
- moving, seeing, hearing and health
- understanding and using sounds, gestures and words
- responding to and developing relationships
- taking care of one’s self when doing things like feeding or dressing
What is an Established Condition?
A child with an established condition has a diagnosed physical or mental condition that will probably cause developmental delay. Some examples premature birth, down syndrome, vision problems, hearing loss or autism.