Births and Deaths that Occurred in Mecklenburg County from 1913 - Present
The person listed on the certificate or their immediate family may submit a request online, in person, or by mail. The cost for a certificate is $10.
Births and Deaths that Occurred Anywhere in North Carolina from 1971 - Present
The person listed on the certificate or their immediate family may submit a request in person only. The cost for the service is $24.00 (this covers researching the certificate in the North Carolina state registry and one copy of the certificate). Additional certificates from the same search are $15 each.
Request a birth or death certificate online.
Request a Birth or Death Certificate by Mail
Download and print the appropriate form listed below and mail the completed form along with any required documentation and payment to:
Office of Vital Records
618 N. College St.
Charlotte, NC 28202
Request a Birth or Death Certificate in Person
Visit the Office of Vital Records during business hours and bring any of the following forms of identification:
Current state-issued driver’s license
Current state-issued non-driver photo ID card
Current Passport or Visa (must include photo)
Current U.S. military ID
Current Department of Corrections photo ID card dated within the last year
Current state or U.S. government agency photo ID card
Current student ID card
Be sure to have the following information:
Full name of the person named on the birth or death certificate
For birth certificates only: Date of birth, father's full name, mother's full maiden name