ICO4MCH works collaboratively within Mecklenburg and Union Counties to encourage reproductive life planning, support breastfeeding success, and promote positive parenting.
Our Aims and Evidence-Based Strategies
Improving Community Outcomes for Maternal and Child Health (ICO4MCH) uses evidenced-based approaches in our collaborative goal to lead our communities in equitable health services aimed at
improving birth outcomes, reducing infant mortality and improving the overall health of children ages birth to 5.

Breastfeeding Initiatives
Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding: ICO4MCH aims to expand education to communities and engage businesses, faith-based organizations, childcare facilities, local hospitals and health departments to apply policy, normalize breastfeeding and increase community support for breastfeeding families.
Reproductive Health & Wellness
Preconception and Inter-conception Health: In our efforts to improve birth outcomes, we partner with community organizations, faith institutions, and medical providers to increase awareness, provide education and ensure equitable access to whole health services for people during their reproductive years.
It’s about getting healthy and staying healthy throughout your life whether you want to become pregnant or not. You can start today by eating a nutritious diet, increasing your physical activity, and getting regular health screenings.
Nutrition and Physical Health
Eating well takes practice and planning. A good balance of the right foods, along with regular exercise can help you feel better and stay healthier.
Mental Wellness
Mental wellness helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make healthy choices. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood.
Depression Among Women: CDC Information on Reproductive Health and Depression
Mental Wellness Services in Mecklenburg County: https://mhaofcc.org/in-crisis
Healthy Relationships
At its foundation a healthy relationship involves partners that communicate well, trust each other, and are honest and respectful of one another - for a start.
To learn more about what makes a relationship healthy, visit https://www.loveisrespect.org/
Sexual Health
Sexual wellness is all about being responsible and accountable for our decisions. Get the knowledge, skills, and confidence necessary to reduce the risk of sexually transmitted
infections (STIs), HIV, and unintended pregnancy. Your happiness, health, and sexuality are all connected.
For STI/HIV testing and education, please visit Mecklenburg County Public Health’s HIV/STD
ServicesWant more information about birth control? Visit https://www.bedsider.org/
Improving the Health Status of Children Ages Birth to 5
Triple P - Positive Parenting Program Expansion: We partner with organizations and individuals to train in the Triple P model. Triple P offers varying levels of parenting support (seminars, discussion groups and individualized parenting coaching) addressing common childhood behaviors and promoting positive parenting strategies.