Edible Landscapes
Provide fresh fruit and vegetables to people in food insecure neighborhoods.
Edible Landscapes is an award-winning program through Mecklenburg County Public Health that establishes community gardens and orchards to provide fresh fruits and vegetables to communities who need it. The department works to install them through partnerships with community and faith-based organizations positioned in food insecure neighborhoods.
Installations occur in early spring (March to May) and late fall (October to November). We spend the months leading up to the install:
- Planning together and ensuring that you are set up for success
- Determining what and when to plant
- Establishing what to do when harvesting
- Creating a sustainable volunteer program who will assist in the install, maintenance, and harvest of the landscape
After the Installation
The community partner is responsible to maintain the landscape by planting, pruning, and tending to the landscape. Harvesting, measuring the harvest, an distributing the fruits of the landscape throughout the season is also the responsibility of the organization.
Request an Edible Landscape at your organization.
Map and Locations
Anyone who wishes to volunteer or take advantage of the Edible Landscapes program should contact and work with the locations for edible landscapes listed below.
Allegra Westbrook Regional Library
2412 Beatties Ford Rd, Charlotte, NC 28216
Amity Presbyterian Church
2831 N. Sharon Amity Road, Charlotte, NC 28205
Another Chance House of Refuge
1818 Kennesaw Drive, Charlotte, NC 28216
Berean Junior Academy
3748 Beatties Ford Road, Charlotte, NC 28216
Bette Rae Thomas Recreation Center
Brisbane Academy
5901 Statesville Road, Charlotte, NC 28269
Bread of Life Deliverance Church
1245 Tom Hunter Road, Charlotte, NC 28213
Chapel of Christ The King Church
425 East 17th Street, Charlotte, NC 28206
Cochrane Collegiate Academy
6200 Starhaven Drive, Charlotte, NC 28215
Davidson Community Garden
Druid Hills Academy
2801 Lucena street, Charlotte, NC 28206
Faith CME Church
457 Wellingford Street, Charlotte, NC 28213
Friendship Missionary Baptist Church
3400 Beatties Ford Road, Charlotte, NC 28216
Galilee Center
3601 Central Avenue, Charlotte, NC 28205
Grier Heights Community Center
The Heights Ministry Church
2137 B Avenue, Charlotte, NC 28216
Iglesia Puerto Nuevo
9401 South Tryon Street, Charlotte, NC 28273
Kingdom Harvest Bibleway Church
5236 Statesville Road, Charlotte, NC 28269
Martin Luther King, Jr. MIddle School
500 Bilmark Avenue, Charlotte, NC 28213
Mecklenburg County Public Health -SEHD
Moore's Sanctuary AME Zion Church
4101 Morris Field Drive, Charlotte, NC 28208
Mountain Island Lake Academy
905 Pleasant Grove Road, Charlotte, NC 28216
New Zion Missionary Baptist Church
217 W. Todd Lane, Charlotte, NC 28208
Niner Academy at Amay James
2414 Lester St, Charlotte, NC 28208
Northridge Middle School
Reeder Memorial Baptist Church
3725 Beatties Ford Road, Charlotte, NC 28216
Rockwell AME Zion Church
6101 Rockwell Church Road, Charlotte, NC 28269
Pine Valley Neighborhood Park
2422 Longleaf Drive, Charlote, NC 28210
Shiloh Institutional Baptist Church
2400 Greenland Avenue, Charlotte, NC 28208
Steele Creek Church -Eastfield
Sugaw Creek Recreation Center
943 West Sugar Creek Road, Charlotte, NC 28213
Thomasboro Academy
538 Bradford Drive, Charlotte, NC 28208
Urban Institute for Strengthening Families
8801 Grier Road, Charlotte, NC 28215
West Mecklenburg High School
7400 Tuckaseegee Road, Charlotte, NC 28214
Will of God Outreach Ministries
Woods Friendly Community Garden
9415 Monarda Court, Charlotte, NC 28216
Zealous Empowering Nurturer, Inc (ZEN)
Awards and Recognitions
The National Association of Counties (NACo) awarded the Edible Landscapes program an Achievement Award in the Health category in 2019. The program was cited as an example of how community representatives and food security stakeholders work together to address public health priorities. This effort successfully improves access to fresh produce and demonstrates that edible landscapes can be part of a multi-level approach to improving the availability of healthy foods.