Annual Community Health Survey
Please take the confidential health survey if you are called.
The Annual Mecklenburg Community Health Survey (also known as the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Survey) is a telephone survey of Mecklenburg residents 18 years and older. The survey collects information on health-related behaviors such as diet and exercise, the use of preventive services such as immunizations and mammograms, and chronic health conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Questions from the survey are based on CDC’s Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS).
Health information collected helps design and fund programs to prevent and reduce chronic diseases, injury, and disability, and to reduce health disparities. Much of the information collected by this survey cannot be obtained from any other source.
Please consider participating in the health survey if you are called. The survey is completely anonymous, and no identifying information will be shared.
Frequently Asked Questions
The Annual Community Health Survey is a locally based telephone survey of Mecklenburg residents 18 years and older. This survey is a unique opportunity for the county to learn about health status of residents within our county including sickle cell disease. In fact, this survey is the only source of this kind of information for our county. If your phone number is randomly selected, we will reach out to you with a phone call from one of our interviewers. You may also receive a text message from us with a link to complete the survey online via a computer or your mobile device. Questions from the survey are based on CDC’s Behavior Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS). Health information collected helps design programs to prevent chronic diseases, injury, and disability, and to reduce health disparities. Many of the risk factors collected by this survey cannot be obtained from any other sources.
The survey collects information on topics such as:
chronic conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer, etc.
health behaviors, such as physical activity, smoking, etc.
access to care, such as access to primary care, affordable care, etc.
How did you get my phone number?
Your phone number was randomly selected from all working telephone phone numbers in your area.
We will not collect any personal information that may identify you. We will be asking questions about chronic diseases, health behaviors, and demographic characteristics (e.g., age, education, etc.). You can skip any question that you think is too personal.
Mecklenburg County Public Health (MCPH) has been conducting the Annual Health Survey since 2014. ReconMR is the current contractor for MCPH, and their interviewers will state that they are calling on behalf of the MCPH.
There is no personally identifiable information associated with the respondent's answers. A fundamental principle of this survey is protecting the confidentiality of the respondent's answers. Answers to the survey questions are aggregated which means that no one individual's data can be traced back to a particular person. Even the telephone number called is not included in the dataset so that answers cannot be connected to a specific person or telephone number.
Information is collected through telephone interviews. A set of randomly generated phone numbers are produced, and the phone numbers are first called to verify if they are residential or a business phone number. If residential, a randomly selected adult in the household is asked to participate. This can result in repeat phone calls to the household to get the appropriate (randomly selected) adult to participate.
The Do Not Call List pertains to companies trying to market products to consumers. We are calling for a health survey and are not marketing any products. You will be receiving a call from ReconMR, a company based out of state. To learn more about their services, please visit https://reconmr.com.
If I have questions about the survey, is there someone I may contact?
Yes, contact Charisse Jenkins, Epidemiologist, at [email protected].